Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cage diving with Great White Sharks

Who doesn't love watching Discovery Channel's shark week? Growing up watching it has given me a healthy respect for sharks, but particularly great whites, the biggest and the baddest of them all.

The coast of South Africa is home to the greatest concentration of Great White sharks in the world. While in town, I decided to check them out. We set out early in the morning for the coast, loaded ourselves onto a boat and after a quick safety briefing (Don't stick any appendage you still want outside the cage) we were off!

The water was freezing, maybe in the 50s, so we were given wet suits.  Our guides began to chum the water and throw in fish heads. It didn't take long to attract the first shark. I swear, as the day went on, they got bigger and bigger.

As we took our positions in the cage, the spotter kept an eye out. When an incoming shark was sighted we dove down to the bottom of the cage to see. They were huge!

We saw 7 sharks and the size ranged from 9 feet to 13 feet. The longer they were, the fatter. And they were really dumb. Not that I expected a lot, but these are fearsome creatures and they would just keep going after the same set of fish heads, similar to a kitten and a string. They did give us a great show, smacking the cage and even biting it.

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