Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Capetown, South Africa

Capetown is a beautiful city. It is situated on the coast and surrounded by beautiful mountains.  It has great shopping and a fun nightlife with a stretch of fantastic bars on Long Street.

There is a lot to do in the city, but we only had 2 full days there. We made the most of it my taking the cable car up to the top of Tabletop mountain. Due to high winds, people aren't always allowed to the top. Thankfully that morning was clear.

That afternoon we headed down to the V and A Waterfront. There was a festival going on so there was music and tons of people. We enjoyed some Mitchell's beer, a local brew. If you're ever in the area, try Ol' Wobbly, a delicious and deadly 11% beer.

My last day I spent exploring the city's botanical garden, shops and less crowded waterfront. I wouldn't recommend wearing a dress to explore town. The wind gusts can be quite strong.

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